Tecnifibre - TFlash 315 Speedflex

When it comes to feel, probably one of the best choices is the Tecnifibre TFlash 315 Speedflex racquet. Designed for Marcos Baghdatis, it boasts a stiff but highly controllable and very comfortable shaft, excellent torque resistance, and a silicone-filled grip that dampens vibrations without affecting feedback.

Tecnifibre - Tflash 315 Speedflex

The TFlash 315 Speedflex is rather lightweight, but it is perfectly stable and solid, with a head light balance that offers great manoeuvrability. It is suitable for all kinds of players, from the more aggressive to the subtler kind, although players with a longer swing who like to make deep shots and take powerful cuts at the ball will find in it a perfect tool for winning a match quickly and efficiently.

Tennis Racquet Review: Tecnifibre Tflash 315 Speedflex

The racquet catches the impact comfortably but delivers enough signal for swing control. The Tecnifibre technology eases the tension on your arm and lets you play at ease. It is a very forgiving racquet that combines power and optimal control, easy to handle and very powerful.

Tflash 315 Speedflex - Tecnifibre


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